Build a new Retaining Wall

Brisbane property development is continuing to grow in leaps and bounds, with a number of apartments and new homes being built every day. Land sizes are getting smaller due to high demand and continued growth of our city. Due to this, it has led to an increase in the amount of retaining walls being built in various sizes and complexity.

Types of Materials to build a retaining wall:

Retaining walls are commonly made from, timber or concrete sleepers, block and rocks are all used for various reasons.  Timber is the least expensive option when it comes to constructing a retaining wall. However, it will also have the shortest lifespan as it can start to decompose. Materials such as rocks, boulders, concrete blocks and sleepers can last for decades, which is why they are a more suitable option for quality and strength.

Things to look out for:

To ensure the longevity on your retaining wall, it must be built by an experienced landscaper. Every retaining wall needs to be built with the correct foundations, correct materials for your site and with the correct drainage solutions. It’s recommended you have the retaining wall reinforced during construction and over time, keep and eye on any movement you might see occurring on the wall, from surfaced pushing against the wall or roots from a tree breaking through.


Correct drainage is a must:

Poor drainage is one of the main reasons retaining walls fall over time. Water can cause expensive damages to retaining walls if the drainage is not perfected during construction stages so it can withstand water and release water into the correct drainage paths in your landscape to not damage other parts of your yard and property.


An experienced Brisbane landscaper is the best choice when adding a retaining wall to your property.